mh5_hardware reference

Main classes

class MH5DynamixelInterface

class mh5_hardware::MH5DynamixelInterface : public RobotHW

Main class implementing the protocol required by ros_control for providing access to the robot hardware.

This class performs communication with the servos using Dynamixel protocol and manages the state of these servos. It uses for this purpose Dynamixel SDK (specifically the ROS implementation of it) with the only exception that for port communication it uses a custom subclass of PortHandler in order to be able to configure the communication port with RS485 support, because the interface board used by RH5 robot uses SC16IS762 chips that control the flow in heardware, but need tto be connfigured in RS485 mode via ioctl.

The class should be instantiated by the pluginlib once the main mode is started and initiates the load of the CombinedRobotHW class.

The class uses the information from the param server to get details about the communication port configuration and the attached servos. For each dynamixel interface the following parameters are read:

The class registers itself with the pluginlib by calling:

 PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(mh5_hardware::MH5DynamixelInterface, hardware_interface::RobotHW)

Public Functions


Construct a new MH5DynamixelInterface object. Default constructor to support pluginlib.


Destroy the MH5DynamixelInterface object. Provided for pluginlib support.

bool init(ros::NodeHandle &root_nh, ros::NodeHandle &robot_hw_nh)

Initializes the interface.

Will call the protected methods initPort() and initJoints() to perform the initialization of the Dynamixel port and the configuration of the joints associated with this interface. If either of these fails it will return false.

  • root_nh – A NodeHandle in the root of the caller namespace.

  • robot_hw_nh – A NodeHandle in the namespace from which the RobotHW should read its configuration.


true if initialization was successful


false If the initialization was unsuccessful

void read(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Performs the read of values for all the servos. This is done through the sync loops objects that have been prepared in init(). The caller (the main ROS node owning the hardware) would call this method at an arbitrary frequency that is dictated by it’s processing needs (and can be much higher than the frequency with with we need to syncronise the data with the actual servos). For this reason each sync loop is responsible to keep track of it’s own processing frequency and skip executing if requests are too often.

In this particular case this method asks the following loops to run:

  • time – The current time

  • period – The time passed since the last call to read

void write(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Performs the write of position, velocity profile and acceleration profile for all servos that are marked as present. Assumes the servos have already been configured with velocity profile (see Dyanamixel manual Converts the values from ISO (radians for position, rad / sec for velocity) to Dynamixel internal measures. Uses a Dynamixel SyncWrite to write the values to all servos with one communication packet.

  • time – The current time

  • period – The time passed since the last call to read

Protected Functions

bool initPort()

Initializes the Dynamixel port.


true if initialization was successfull


false if initialization was unsuccessfull

bool initJoints()

Initializes the joints.





bool initSensors()

Initializes the sensors.





template<class Loop>
Loop *setupLoop(std::string name, const double default_rate)

Convenience function that constructs a loop, reads parameters “rates/<loop_name>” from parameter server or, if not found, uses a default rate for initialisation. It also calls prepare() and registers it communication handle (from getCommStatHandle() with the HW communication status inteface)

Template Parameters

Loop – the class for the loop

  • name – the name of the loop

  • default_rate – the default rate to use incase no parameter is found in the parameter server


Loop* the newly created loop object

bool setupDynamixelLoops()

Creates and initializes all the loops used by the HW interface:

  • Read: position, velocity, load (pvl_reader)

  • Read: temperature, voltage (tv_reader)

  • Write: position, velocity (pv_writer)

  • Write: torque (t_writer)



Protected Attributes

ros::NodeHandle nh_
const char *nss_
std::string port_
int baudrate_
bool rs485_
double protocol_
mh5_port_handler::PortHandlerMH5 *portHandler_
dynamixel::PacketHandler *packetHandler_
mh5_hardware::PVLReader *pvlReader_

Sync Loop for reading the position, velocity and load.

mh5_hardware::TVReader *tvReader_

Sync Loop for reading the temperature and voltage.

mh5_hardware::PVWriter *pvWriter_

SyncLoop for writing the position and velocity.

mh5_hardware::TWriter *tWriter_

SyncLoop for writing the torque status command.

hardware_interface::JointStateInterface joint_state_interface
hardware_interface::PosVelJointInterface pos_vel_joint_interface
mh5_hardware::ActiveJointInterface active_joint_interface
mh5_hardware::CommunicationStatsInterface communication_stats_interface
mh5_hardware::TempVoltInterface joint_temp_volt_interface
mh5_hardware::VoltCurrInterface sensor_volt_curr_interface
int num_joints_
std::vector<Joint*> joints_
int num_sensors_
std::vector<FootSensor*> foot_sensors_

class MH5I2CInterface

class mh5_hardware::MH5I2CInterface : public RobotHW

Main class implementing the protocol required by ros_control for providing access to the robot hardware connected on an I2C bus.

This class performs communication with the devices using ioctl.

The class should be instantiated by the pluginlib once the main mode is started and initiates the load of the CombinedRobotHW class.

The class uses the information from the param server to get details about the communication port configuration and the attached devices. For each device interface the following parameters are read:

The class registers itself with the pluginlib by calling:

 PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(mh5_hardware::MH5I2CInterface, hardware_interface::RobotHW)

Public Functions


Construct a new MH5I2CInterface object. Default constructor to support pluginlib.


Destroy the MH5I2CInterface object. Provided for pluginlib support.

bool init(ros::NodeHandle &root_nh, ros::NodeHandle &robot_hw_nh)

Initializes the interface.

Will open the system port port and the configuration of the devices associated with this interface. If either of these fails it will return false.

  • root_nh – A NodeHandle in the root of the caller namespace.

  • robot_hw_nh – A NodeHandle in the namespace from which the RobotHW should read its configuration.


true if initialization was successful


false If the initialization was unsuccessful

void read(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Performs the read of values for all the devices. Devices might have specific frequency preferences and would compare the time / period provided with their own to decide if they indeed need to do anything.

  • time – The current time

  • period – The time passed since the last call to read

void write(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period)

Performs the write of values for all the devices. Devices might have specific frequency preferences and would compare the time / period provided with their own to decide if they indeed need to do anything.

  • time – The current time

  • period – The time passed since the last call to read

Protected Functions

double calcLPF(double old_val, double new_val, double factor)

Protected Attributes

ros::NodeHandle nh_
const char *nss_
std::string port_name_
int port_
LSM6DS3 *imu_

IMU object.

double ang_vel_[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}

Stores the read velocities from the IMU converted to rad/s.

double lin_acc_[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}

Stores the read accelerations from the IMU converted in m/s^2.

double imu_lpf_ = 0.1

Low-pass filter factor for IMU.

double imu_loop_rate_

Keeps the desired execution rate (in Hz) the for IMU.

ros::Time imu_last_execution_time_

Stores the last time the IMU read was executed.

std::vector<double> imu_orientation_ = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}
hardware_interface::ImuSensorHandle imu_h_
hardware_interface::ImuSensorInterface imu_sensor_interface_

Supporting classes

class MH5PortHandler

class mh5_port_handler::PortHandlerMH5 : public PARENT

Public Functions

inline PortHandlerMH5(const char *port_name)
inline bool setRS485()

class DynamixelDevice

class mh5_hardware::DynamixelDevice

Represents a generic Dyanmixel device.

Subclassed by FootSensor, Joint

Public Functions

inline DynamixelDevice()

Default constructor.

virtual void fromParam(ros::NodeHandle &hw_nh, std::string &name, mh5_port_handler::PortHandlerMH5 *port, dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph)

Uses information from the paramter server to initialize the Device.

It will look for the following paramters in the server, under the device name:

  • id: the Dynamixel ID of the device; if missing the device will be marked as not present (ex. present_ = false) and this will exclude it from all communication

  • hw_nh – node handle to the hardware interface

  • name – name given to this device

  • port – Dynamixel port used for communication; should have been checked and opened prior by the HW interface

  • ph – Dynamixel port handler for communication; should have been checked and initialized priod by the HW interface

inline uint8_t id()

Returns the Dynamixel ID of the device.


uint8_t the ID of the device.

inline std::string name()

Returns the name of the device.


std::string the name of the device.

inline bool present()

Returns if the device is present (all settings are ok and communication with it was successfull).


true if the device is physically present


false if the device could not be detected

inline void setPresent(bool state)

Updates the present flag of the device.


state – the desired state (true == present, false = not present)

bool ping(const int num_tries)

Performs a Dynamixel ping to the device. It will try up to num_tries times in case there is no answer or there are communication errors.


num_tries – how many tries to make if there are no answers


true if the device has responded


false if the device failed to respond after num_tries times

virtual void initRegisters() = 0

Hard-codes the initialization of the device. Subclasses must override the method.

bool writeRegister(const uint16_t address, const int size, const long value, const int num_tries)

Convenience method for writing a register to the device. Depending on the size parameter it will call write1ByteTxRx(), write2ByteTxRx() or write4ByteTxRx().

  • address – the address of the register to write to

  • size – the size of the register to write to

  • value – a value to write; it will be type casted to uint8_t, uint16_t or unit32_t depending on the size parameter

  • num_tries – number of times to try in case there are errors


true if the write was sucessful


false if there was a communication or hardware error

bool readRegister(const uint16_t address, const int size, long &value, const int num_tries)

Convenience method for reading a register from the device. Depending on the size parameter it will call read1ByteTxRx(), read2ByteTxRx() or read4ByteTxRx().

  • address – the address of the register to read from

  • size – the size of the register to read

  • value – a value to store the read result; it will be type casted to uint8_t, uint16_t or unit32_t depending on the size parameter

  • num_tries – number of times to try in case there are errors


true if the read was sucessful


false if there was a communication or hardware error

bool reboot(const int num_tries)

Reboots the device by invoking the REBOOT Dynamixel instruction.


num_tries – how many tries to make if there are no answers


true if the reboot was successful


false if there were communication of harware errors

inline bool shouldReboot()

Indicates if there was a command to reboot the device that was not yet completed. It simply returns the reboot_command_flag_ member that should be set whenever a controllers wants to reboot the device.


true there is a reset that was not syncronised to hardware


false there is no change in the status

inline void resetRebootCommandFlag()

Resets to false the reboot_command_flag_. Normally used by the sync loops after successful processing of an update.

Protected Attributes

std::string name_

The name of the device.

mh5_port_handler::PortHandlerMH5 *port_

The communication port to be used.

dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph_

Dynamixel packet handler to be used.

ros::NodeHandle nh_

The node handler of the owner (hardware interface)

const char *nss_

Name of the owner as a c_str() - for easy printing of messages.

uint8_t id_

Device ID.

bool present_

Device is present (true) or not (false)

bool reboot_command_flag_

Controller requested a reboot and is not yet syncronised.

class Joint

class mh5_hardware::Joint : public DynamixelDevice

Represents a Dynamixel servo with the registers and communication methods.

Also has convenience methods for creating HW interfaces for access by controllers.

Public Functions

inline Joint()

Default constructor.

virtual void fromParam(ros::NodeHandle &hw_nh, std::string &name, mh5_port_handler::PortHandlerMH5 *port, dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph) override

Uses information from the paramter server to initialize the Joint.

It will look for the following paramters in the server, under the joint name:

  • id: the Dynamixel ID of the servo; if missing the joint will be marked as not prosent (ex. present_ = false) and this will exclude it from all communication

  • inverse: indicates that the joint has position values specified CW (default) are CCW see bit 0. If not present the default is false

  • offset: a value [in radians] that will be added to converted raw position from the hardware register to report present position of servos in radians. Conversely it will be substracted from the desired command position before converting to the raw position value to be stored in the servo.

Initializes the jointStateHandle_, jointPosVelHandle_ and jointActiveHandle_ attributes.

  • hw_nh – node handle to the harware interface

  • name – name given to this joint

  • port – Dynamixel port used for communication; should have been checked and opened prior by the HW interface

  • ph – Dynamixel port handler for communication; should have been checked and initialized priod by the HW interface

virtual void initRegisters() override

Hard-codes the initialization of the following registers in the joint (see

The registers are initialized as follows:





return delay



0 us delay time

drive mode



if no “inverse” mode set

drive mode



if “inverse” mode set

operating mode



position control mode

temperature limit



75 degrees Celsius

max voltage



13.5 V

velocity limit



max velocity

max position



max value

min position



min value

Other registers might be added in the future.

bool isActive(bool refresh = false)

Returns if the joint is active (torque on).


refresh – if this parameter is true it will force a re-read of the register 64 from the servo otherwise it will report the cached value


true the torque is active


false the torque is inactive

bool torqueOn()

Sets torque on for the joint. Forces writing 1 in the register 64 of the servo.


true if the activation was successfull


false if there was an error (communication or hardware)

bool torqueOff()

Sets torque off for the joint. Forces writing 0 in the register 64 of the servo.


true if the deactivation was successfull


false if there was an error (communication or hardware)

inline bool shouldToggleTorque()

Indicates if there was a command to change the torque that was not yet completed. It simply returns the active_command_flag_ member that should be set whenever a controllers wants to switch the torque status and sets the active_command_.


true there is a command that was not syncronised to hardware


false there is no change in the status

inline void resetActiveCommandFlag()

Resets to false the active_command_flag_. Normally used by the sync loops after successful processing of an update.

bool toggleTorque()

Changes the torque by writing into register 64 in the hardware using the active_command_ value. If the change is successfull it will reset the active_command_flag_.


true successful change


false communication or harware error

inline uint8_t getRawTorqueActiveFromCommand()

Produces an internal format for torque status based on a desired command.


uint8_t value suitable for writing to the hardware for the desired torque status.

inline void setPositionFromRaw(int32_t raw_pos)

Set the position_state_ (represented in radians) from a raw_pos that represents the value read from the hardware. It takes into account the servo’s charactistics, and the offset with the formula:

position_state_ = (raw_pos - 2047 ) * 0.001533980787886 + offset_


raw_pos – a raw position as read from the hardware; this will already contain the “inverse” classification.

inline void setVelocityFromRaw(int32_t raw_vel)

Set the velocity_state_ (represented in radians/sec) from a raw_vel that represents the value read from the hardware. It takes into account the servo’s charactistics with the formula:

velocity_state_ = raw_vel * 0.023980823922402


raw_vel – a raw velocity as read from the hardware; this will already contain the “inverse” classification and is also signed

inline void setEffortFromRaw(int32_t raw_eff)

Set the effort_state_ (represented in Nm) from a raw_eff that represents the value read from the hardware. It takes into account the servo’s charactistics with the formula:

effort_state_ = raw_eff * 0.0014


raw_eff – a raw effort as read from the hardware; this will already contain the “inverse” classification and is also signed

inline void setVoltageFromRaw(int16_t raw_volt)

Set the voltage_state_ (represented in V) from a raw_volt that represents the value read from the hardware. The method simply divides with 10 and converts to double.


raw_volt – the value of voltage as read in hardware

inline void setTemperatureFromRaw(int8_t raw_temp)

Set the temperature_state_ (represented in degrees Celsius) from a raw_temp that represents the value read from the hardware. The method simply converts to double.



inline int32_t getRawPositionFromCommand()

Produces an internal format for position based on a desired command position (expressed in radians) using the formula:

result = (position_command_ - offset_) / 0.001533980787886 + 2047


int32_t a value suitable for writing to the hardware for the desired position in position_command_ expressed in radians.

inline uint32_t getVelocityProfileFromCommand()

The velocity_command_ indicates the desired velocity (in rad/s) for the execution of the position commands. Since we configure the servo in time profile mode, the command is translated into a desired duration for the execution of the position command, that is after that stored into register 112. For this the method calculates the delta between the desired position and the current position divided by the desired velocity, obtaining thus the desired duration for the move. The number is then multiplied with 1000 as the harware expect the duration in ms. The full formula for the value is:

result = abs((position_command_ - position_state_) / velocity_command_) * 1000


uint32_t a value suitable for writing to the hardware profile velocity for the desired position in velocity_command_ expressed in radians/s.

inline const hardware_interface::JointStateHandle &getJointStateHandle()

Returns the handle to the joint position interface object for this joint.


const hardware_interface::JointStateHandle&

inline const hardware_interface::PosVelJointHandle &getJointPosVelHandle()

Returns the handle to the joint position / velocity command interface object for this joint.


const hardware_interface::PosVelJointHandle&

inline const mh5_hardware::JointTorqueAndReboot &getJointActiveHandle()

Returns the handle to the joint activation command interface object for this joint.


const mh5_hardware::JointTorqueAndReboot&

inline const mh5_hardware::TempVoltHandle &getTempVoltHandle()

Protected Attributes

bool inverse_

Servo uses inverse rotation.

double offset_

Offest for servo from 0 position (center) in radians.

double position_state_

Current position in radians.

double velocity_state_

Current velocity in radians/s.

double effort_state_

Current effort in Nm.

double active_state_

Current torque state [0.0 or 1.0].

double voltage_state_

Current voltage [V].

double temperature_state_

Current temperature deg C.

double position_command_

Desired position in radians.

double velocity_command_

Desired velocity in radians/s.

bool poistion_command_flag_

Indicates that the controller has updated the desired poistion / velocity and is not yet syncronised.

double active_command_

Desired torque state [0.0 or 1.0].

bool active_command_flag_

Indicates that the controller has updated the desired torque state and is not yet syncronised.

hardware_interface::JointStateHandle jointStateHandle_

A handle that provides access to position, velocity and effort.

hardware_interface::PosVelJointHandle jointPosVelHandle_

A handle that provides access to desired position and desired velocity.

mh5_hardware::JointTorqueAndReboot jointActiveHandle_

A handle that provides access to desired torque state.

mh5_hardware::TempVoltHandle jointTempVoltHandle_

class FootSensor

class mh5_hardware::FootSensor : public DynamixelDevice

Represents a Dynamixel Foot sensor.

Also has convenience methods for creating HW interfaces for access by controllers.

Public Functions

inline FootSensor()

Default constructor.

virtual void fromParam(ros::NodeHandle &hw_nh, std::string &name, mh5_port_handler::PortHandlerMH5 *port, dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph) override

Uses information from the paramter server to initialize the Device.

It will look for the following paramters in the server, under the device name:

  • id: the Dynamixel ID of the device; if missing the device will be marked as not present (ex. present_ = false) and this will exclude it from all communication

  • hw_nh – node handle to the hardware interface

  • name – name given to this device

  • port – Dynamixel port used for communication; should have been checked and opened prior by the HW interface

  • ph – Dynamixel port handler for communication; should have been checked and initialized priod by the HW interface

virtual void initRegisters() override

Hard-codes the initialization of the registers in the foot (see <link to=”” the=”” documentation>=””>).

The registers are initialized as follows:

Register | Address | Value | Comments ————– | —- | – | ———————-

Other registers might be added in the future.

inline bool readRawSensors()
inline bool readLPFSensors()
inline bool readCalibratedSensors()
bool readCalibrationFactors()
bool updateCalibrationFactors()
bool readPower()
inline const mh5_hardware::VoltCurrHandle &getVoltCurrHandle()

Protected Functions

bool read4Sensors(u_int16_t address, FootReading &readings)

Protected Attributes

FootReading foot_readings_

Returns the handle to the joint position interface object for this joint.


const hardware_interface::JointStateHandle& Returns the handle to the joint position / velocity command interface object for this joint


const hardware_interface::PosVelJointHandle& Returns the handle to the joint activation command interface object for this joint


const mh5_hardware::JointTorqueAndReboot&

FootReading raw_readings_
FootReading lpf_readings_
CalibrationFactors calibration_factors_
double voltage_
double current_
mh5_hardware::VoltCurrHandle volt_curr_handle_

class LSM6DS3

class LSM6DS3 : public LSM6DS3Core

Public Functions

LSM6DS3(int port, uint8_t address)
~LSM6DS3() = default
status_t initialize(SensorSettings *pSettingsYouWanted = NULL)
int16_t readRawAccelX(void)
int16_t readRawAccelY(void)
int16_t readRawAccelZ(void)
int16_t readRawGyroX(void)
int16_t readRawGyroY(void)
int16_t readRawGyroZ(void)
double readFloatAccelX(void)
double readFloatAccelY(void)
double readFloatAccelZ(void)
double readFloatGyroX(void)
double readFloatGyroY(void)
double readFloatGyroZ(void)
int16_t readRawTemp(void)
float readTempC(void)
float readTempF(void)
void fifoBegin(void)
void fifoClear(void)
int16_t fifoRead(void)
uint16_t fifoGetStatus(void)
void fifoEnd(void)
double calcGyro(int16_t)
double calcAccel(int16_t)

Public Members

SensorSettings settings
uint16_t allOnesCounter
uint16_t nonSuccessCounter

Syncronization Loops

class LoopWithCommunicationStats

class mh5_hardware::LoopWithCommunicationStats

Class that wrapps around a Dynaxmiel GroupSync process and can be executed with a given frequency. It also keeps tabs on the communication statistics: total (since the start of the node) number of Dynamixel packs executed, total number of errors encountered, as well as a shorter timeframe count of packets and errors that can be reset and can be used to report “recent” statistics.

The class can produce a CommunicationStatsHandle for the registering with a controller that can publish these statistics.

Subclassed by GroupSyncRead, GroupSyncWrite

Public Functions

inline LoopWithCommunicationStats(const std::string &name, double loop_rate)

Construct a new Communication Stats object.

Initializes the communication statistics to 0 and the last_execution_time_ to the current time.

  • name – will be the name used for the loop when registering with the resource manager

  • loop_rate – the rate (in Hz) that the loop should execute. The Execute() method checks if enough time has passed since last run, otherwise it will not be executed. This permits the loop to be configured to run on a much lower rate than the owner loop.

inline ~LoopWithCommunicationStats()

Destroy the Communication Stats object.

inline const std::string getName()

Returns the name of the loop. Used for message genration.


const std::string the name of the loop.

inline void resetStats()

Resets the recent statistics. Only the packets_ and errors_ are reset to 0, the total_packets_ and total_errors_ (that keep the cummulative packets since the start of the node) are not affected.

inline void resetAllStats()

Resets all statistics, including the totals.

inline const CommunicationStatsHandle &getCommStatHandle()

Returns a ros_control resource Handle to the communication statistics. Intendent to be called by the main hardware interface in order to register the loop statistics as a resource with a controller that will publish this statistics.


const CommunicationStatsHandle& a ros_control resource handle

virtual bool prepare(std::vector<Joint*> joints) = 0

Prepare the loop (if necessary) based on the specifics of the loop and the joint information. This should be called only once by the owner of the loop, imidiately after the constructor. The method needs to be implemented in the subclass to perform (or just return a true) whatever is needed for that type of loop.


joints – an array of joints that might be needed in the preparation step


true if the activity was successful


false if there was an error performing the activity

virtual bool beforeCommunication(std::vector<Joint*> joints) = 0

This is an activity that needs to be performed each time in the loop just before the communication. This allows the particular implementation of the loop to do activities required before the actual communication.


joints – an array of joints that might be needed in this step


true if the activity was successful


false if there was an error performing the activity

inline bool Execute(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period, std::vector<Joint*> joints)

Wraps the actual communication steps so that it takes into account the requested processing rate and keeps track of the communication statistics. If the call to Execute() is too early (no enough time has passed since last run to account for the execution rate) the method will simply return true.

If enough time has passed, the method checks first if there was a request to reset the statistics then it will call resetStats(). It will then call: beforeCommunication() and if this is not successfule it will stop and return false. If the step above is successful it will increment the packets statistics and then call Communicate() and check again the result. If this is not successfull it will increment the number of errors and return false. If the communication was successfull it will call afterCommunication() and return the result of that processing.

  • time – time to execute the method (typically close to now)

  • period – the time passed since the last call to this method

  • joints – an array of joints that need to be processed


true if the processing (including the call to Communicate() ) was successfull


false the call to Communicate() was unsuccessfull

virtual bool Communicate() = 0

Virtual method that needs to be impplemented by the subclasses depending on the actual work the loop is doing (reading or writing).


true the communication was successfull


false the communication was not successfull

virtual bool afterCommunication(std::vector<Joint*> joints) = 0

This is an activity that needs to be performed each time in the loop just after the communication. This allows the particular implementation of the loop to do activities required after the actual communication (ex. for an read loop to retrieve the data from the response package and store it in the joints attributes).


joints – an array of joints that might be needed in this step


true if the activity was successful


false if there was an error performing the activity

Protected Functions

inline void incPackets()

Convenience method to increment the number of packets and total packets.

inline void incErrors()

Convenience method to increment the number of errors and total total.

Protected Attributes

double loop_rate_

Keeps the desired execution rate (in Hz) the for loop.

ros::Time last_execution_time_

Stores the last time the loop was executed.

long packets_

Number of packets transmited since last reset.

long errors_

Number of errors encountered since last reset.

long tot_packets_

Total number of packets transmitted since the start of node.

long tot_errors_

Total number of errors encountered since the start of node.

bool reset_

Keeps asyncronously the requests (from the controllers) to reset the statistics. The Execute() method will check this and if set to true it will reset the statistics.

const CommunicationStatsHandle comm_stats_handle_

A ros_control resource type handle for passing to the resource manager and to be used by the controller that publishes the statistics.

class GroupSyncRead

class mh5_hardware::GroupSyncRead : public GroupSyncRead, public LoopWithCommunicationStats

A specialization of the loop using a Dynamixel GroupSyncRead. Intended for reading data from a group of dynamixels.

This specialization needs a start address and a data length that the loop will handle, implements the prepare() method that calls addParam() for all IDs of joints that are marked as “present” and provides a specific implementation of the Communicate() method.

Subclassed by PVLReader, TVReader

Public Functions

inline GroupSyncRead(const std::string &name, double loop_rate, dynamixel::PortHandler *port, dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph, uint16_t start_address, uint16_t data_length)

Construct a new GroupSyncRead object which is an extension on a standard dynamixel GroupSyncRead.

  • name – the name of the loop; used for messages and for registering resources

  • loop_rate – the rate the loop will be expected to run

  • port – the dynamixel::PortHandler needed for the communication

  • ph – the dynamixel::PacketHandler needed for communication

  • start_address – the start addres for reading the data for all servos

  • data_length – the length of the data to be read

virtual bool prepare(std::vector<Joint*> joints) override

Adds all the joints that are marked “present” to the processing loop by invoking the addParam() methods of the dynamixel::GroupSyncRead. If there are errors there will be a warning printed.


joints – a vector of joints to used in the loop


true if at least one joint has been added to the loop


false if no joints has been suucessfully added to the loop

inline virtual bool beforeCommunication(std::vector<Joint*> joints) override

Simply returns true. SyncReads do not need any additional preparation before the communication.


joints – an array of joints that might be needed in this step


true always

virtual bool Communicate() override

Particular implementation of the communication, specific to the GroupSyncRead. Calls txrxPacket() of dynamixel::GroupSyncRead and checks the communication result.


true if the communication was successful


false if there was a communication error

class GroupSyncWrite

class mh5_hardware::GroupSyncWrite : public GroupSyncWrite, public LoopWithCommunicationStats

A specialization of the loop using a Dynamixel GroupSyncWrite. Intended for writing data to a group of dynamixels.

This specialization needs a start address and a data length that the loop will handle, implements the beforeExecute() method that calls addParam() for all IDs of joints that are marked as “present” and provides a specific implementation of the Communicate() method.

Subclassed by PVWriter, TWriter

Public Functions

inline GroupSyncWrite(const std::string &name, double loop_rate, dynamixel::PortHandler *port, dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph, uint16_t start_address, uint16_t data_length)
inline virtual bool prepare(std::vector<Joint*> joints)

Simply returns true. SyncWrites need to pre-prepare data foar each execution and this is implemented in beforeExecute().


joints – an array of joints that might be needed in this step


true always

inline virtual bool afterCommunication(std::vector<Joint*> joints)

Simply returns true. SyncWrites do not need any activities after communication.


joints – an array of joints that might be needed in this step


true always

virtual bool Communicate() override

Particular implementation of the communication, specific to the GroupSyncWrite. Calls txPacket() of dynamixel::GroupSyncWrite and checks the communication result.


true if the communication was successful


false if there was a communication error

class PVLReader

class mh5_hardware::PVLReader : public GroupSyncRead

Specialization of the GroupSyncRead to perform the read of the following registers for XL430 Dynamixel series: present position, present velocity, present load (hence the name PVL).

Public Functions

inline PVLReader(const std::string &name, double loop_rate, dynamixel::PortHandler *port, dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph)

Construct a new PVLReader object. Uses 126 as the start of the address and 10 as the data_lenght.

  • name – the name of the loop; used for messages and for registering resources

  • loop_rate – the rate the loop will be expected to run

  • port – the dynamixel::PortHandler needed for the communication

  • ph – the dynamixel::PacketHandler needed for communication

virtual bool afterCommunication(std::vector<Joint*> joints) override

Postprocessing of data after communication, specific to the position, velocity and load registers. Unpacks the data from the returned response and calls the joints’ setPositionFromRaw(), setVelocityFromRaw(), setEffortFromRaw() to update them. If there are errors there will be ROS_DEBUG messages issued but the processing will not be stopped.







class PVWriter

class mh5_hardware::PVWriter : public GroupSyncWrite

Specialization of the GroupSyncWrite to perform the write of the following registers for XL430 Dynamixel series: goal position, goal velocity (profile), (hence the name PVWriter). The Joint object handles the conversion of commands (position, velocity) into (position, velocity profile) needed to control dynamixel XL430s in velocity profile mode.

Public Functions

inline PVWriter(const std::string &name, double loop_rate, dynamixel::PortHandler *port, dynamixel::PacketHandler *ph)

Initializes the writer object with start address 108 and 12 bytes of information to be written (4 for position, 4 for velocity profile and 4 for acceleration profile)

  • name – the name of the loop

  • loop_rate – the rate to be executed

  • port – the Dynamixel port handle to be used for communication

  • ph – the Dynamixel protocol handle to be used for communication

virtual bool beforeCommunication(std::vector<Joint*> joints) override

For each joint retrieves the desired position and velocity profile (determined internally by the Joint class from the velocity command) and prepares a data buffer with the 12 bytes needed to update the goal position (reg 116), velocity profile (reg. 112) and acceleration profile (reg. 108). Acceleration profile is hard-coded to 1/4 of the velocity profile. Only joints that are “present” are taken into account.


joints – vector of joints for processing


true if there is at least one joint that has been added to the loop


false if no joints were added to the loop

ros_control Hardware Interface

class JointHandleWithFlag

class mh5_hardware::JointHandleWithFlag : public JointHandle

Extends the hardware_interface::JointHandle with a boolean flag that indicates when a new command was posted. This helps the HW interface decide if that value needs to be replicated to the servos or not.

Subclassed by JointTorqueAndReboot

Public Functions

JointHandleWithFlag() = default
inline JointHandleWithFlag(const JointStateHandle &js, double *cmd, bool *cmd_flag)

Construct a new JointHandleWithFlag object by extending the hardware_interface::JointHandle with an additional boolean flag that indicates a new command has been issued.

  • js – the JointStateHandle that is commanded

  • cmd – pointer to the command attribute in the HW interface

  • cmd_flag – pointed to the bool flag in the HW interface that is used to indicate that the value was changed and therefore needs to be synchronized by the HW.

inline void setCommand(double command)

Overrides the hardware_interface::JointHandle setCommand() method by setting the flag in the HW to true to indicate that a new value was storred and therefore it needs to be synchronised after calling the inherited method.


command – the command set to the joint

Private Members

bool *cmd_flag_ = {nullptr}

Keeps the pointed to the flag in the HW that indicates when value change.

class mh5_hardware::JointTorqueAndReboot : public JointHandleWithFlag

Public Functions

JointTorqueAndReboot() = default
inline JointTorqueAndReboot(const JointStateHandle &js, double *torque, bool *torque_flag, bool *reboot_flag)
inline void setReboot(bool reboot)
inline bool getReboot()

Private Members

bool *reboot_flag_ = {nullptr}

class ActiveJointInterface

class ActiveJointInterface : public hardware_interface::HardwareResourceManager<JointTorqueAndReboot>

Joint that supports activation / deactivation.

To keep track of updates to the HW resource we use and additional flag that is set to true when a new command is issued to the servo. The communication loops will use this flag to determine which servos really need to be syncronised and will reset it once the synchronisation is finished.

class CommunicationStatsHandle

class mh5_hardware::CommunicationStatsHandle

Public Functions

CommunicationStatsHandle() = default
inline CommunicationStatsHandle(const std::string &name, const long *packets, const long *errors, const long *tot_packets, const long *tot_errors, bool *reset)
inline std::string getName() const
inline long getPackets() const
inline long getErrors() const
inline long getTotPackets() const
inline long getTotErrors() const
inline const long *getPacketsPtr() const
inline const long *getErrorsPtr() const
inline const long *getTotPacketsPtr() const
inline const long *getTotErrorsPtr() const
inline void setReset(bool reset)

Private Members

std::string name_
const long *packets_ = {nullptr}
const long *errors_ = {nullptr}
const long *tot_packets_ = {nullptr}
const long *tot_errors_ = {nullptr}
bool *reset_ = {nullptr}

class CommunicationStatsInterface

class CommunicationStatsInterface : public hardware_interface::HardwareResourceManager<CommunicationStatsHandle>