Source code for view_ui

# Copyright (C) 2020  Alex Sonea

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from typing import List
from snack import GridForm, Textbox, Scale, SnackScreen, Widget

[docs]class View(): """Base class for a view.""" screen: SnackScreen """The main screen where the view will be posted.""" timer: int """The refresh timer (in milliseconds) that the view will use to update the content displayed.""" title: str """The title of the view. It is diplayed at the top of the screen.""" grid: GridForm """The view places all the elements into a `snack.GridForm` object of size 1 x 1. We use a GridForm because this is handling hotkeys and allows to define an automated timer to trigger the refresh of the content.""" content: Widget """Is the actual content of the view that is normally produced by invoking :meth:`create_content()`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, screen: SnackScreen, timer: int, title: str) -> None: """Initializes a new view. A view uses a `snack.GridForm` as a canvas, that is pinned on the screen provided and displays a title. The constructor only stores the `screen`, `timer` and `title` in the internal variables. You need to specifically call :meth:`setup()` to construct the view. :meth:`setup()` will call :meth:`create_content()` that normally needs to be overridden by subclasses to present a specific content. Parameters ---------- screen : snack.SnackScreen The screen where the view will be positioned. timer : int Refresh time for view in milliseconds. This will trigger the :meth:`update_content()`. title : str Title to be presented on the top of the view. """ self.screen = screen self.timer = timer self.title = title
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Builds the view content. Must be called by the MainUi before starting the view. This creates all the objects of the UI and initializes them. Sets-up a ``GridForm`` of size 1x1 and calls create_content() to fill the specific content of the view. It also registers the hot keys as are reported by the ``hotkeys`` property that must be subclassed if the view needs to handle keys. """ self.grid = GridForm(self.screen, self.title, 1, 1) self.content = self.create_content() self.grid.add(self.content, 0, 0) for key in self.hotkeys: self.grid.addHotKey(key) if self.timer: self.grid.setTimer(self.timer)
[docs] def create_content(self) -> Widget: """Should be implemented in subclasses to produce the desired view output. Returns ------- Widget: A snack.Widget that will be included in the grid. Note that it should be one element only and if you need a more complex structure you need to use a GridForm or other classes to contain and structure the elements. Have a look at the implementation of RobotStatusView, CommsStatusView and JointView. """ return Textbox(width=20, height=4, text='Default text for the main UI', wrap=1)
@property def hotkeys(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the keys this view handles. If implemented by subclasses then also ``process_hotkey`` should be implemented.""" return []
[docs] def update_content(self) -> None: """Handles updates to the content of the view. Normally these are triggered by the elapsed timer set up by the `timer` property. Should be implemented in the subclass according to the desired behavior.""" pass
[docs] def process_hotkey(self, key: str) -> None: """Processes the declared hotkeys. Should be implemented in subclass. Parameters ---------- key : str The key to be processed. """ pass
[docs] def run(self) -> str: """Performs a `run()` of the grid. First calls the :meth:`update_content()` to trigger updates to the interface and `refresh()` on the screen object. After that it runs the `run()` of the grid object followed by :meth:`process_key()` method to process the hotkey pressed (if any) after which it returns the hot key to the caller program (typically the MainUI) so that the loop there can process it's own hot keys. Returns ------- str: The key pressed for the caller program to handle if necessary """ self.update_content() self.screen.refresh() key = self.process_hotkey(key) return key
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: """Provides a way for the view to clear resources before being switched from. For instance views that are displaying information from ROS topics have the chance to unsubscribe from the topics here to save resources. """ pass
[docs]class NameValueScale(): """A display element that includes a name for the object, a value (+ unit of measure if provided) and a Scale (a horizontal bar graph). """ unit: str """String for units of measure.""" name: Textbox """A `snack.TextBox` that will display the name part of the element.""" value: Textbox """A `snack.TextBox` that will display the value part of the element.""" min_val: float """The minimum value expected for the element to display.""" max_val: float """The maximum value expected for the element to display.""" range_val: float """The range of the value expected to be displayed. Calculated as `max-val` - `min_val`.""" scale: Scale """The `snack.Scale` that will display the bar graph of the item."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, unit: str, grid: GridForm, row: int, widths: List[int], min_val: float, max_val: float): """Creates a combined display element in one line with a name, a value and a horizontal bar graph. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to be shown on the left side of the display. unit : str A string to be shown after the value to denote the unit of measure. grid : GridForm The form where the elements are added to row : int The row number in the form where the elements will be positioned. All elements are on the same row. widths : List[int] A list of width for the elements (name, value, scale) min_val : float The minium value that the element will display. Needed to calibrate the bar graph. max_val : float The maximum value that the element will display. Needed to calibrate the bar graph. """ self.unit = unit = Textbox(widths[0], 1, name) grid.setField(, 0, row) self.value = Textbox(widths[1], 1, '') grid.setField(self.value, 1, row) self.min_val = min_val self.max_val = max_val self.range_val = self.max_val - self.min_val self.scale = Scale(widths[2], int(self.range_val * 100)) grid.setField(self.scale, 2, row)
[docs] def update_value(self, value: float, format: str ='4.1f') -> None: """Updates the content of the elements based on the provided value. Parameters ---------- value : float The new value to be displayed. This will be reflected in the value field as well as in the bar graph. format : str, optional The format to display the value in the value field, by default '4.1f' """ self.value.setText(f'{value:{format}}{self.unit}') self.scale.set(int((value - self.min_val) * 100))
[docs]class NameStatValue(): """A display element that includes a name for the object, a status and an additional (optional can be '') text. """ unit: str """String for units of measure.""" name: Textbox """A `snack.TextBox` that will display the name part of the element.""" stat: Textbox """A `snack.TextBox` that will display the status part of the element.""" value: Textbox """A `snack.TextBox` that will display the value part of the element."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, unit: str, grid: GridForm, row: int, widths: List[int]) -> None: """Creates a combined display element in one line with a name, a status (+unit of measure if provided) and a value. Parameters ---------- name : str The name to be shown on the left side of the display. unit : str [A string to be shown after the value to denote the unit of measure. grid : GridForm [description] row : int The row number in the form where the elements will be positioned. All elements are on the same row. widths : List[int] A list of width for the elements (name, status, value) """ self.unit = unit = Textbox(widths[0], 1, name) grid.setField(, 0, row) self.stat = Textbox(widths[1], 1, '') grid.setField(self.stat, 1, row) self.value = Textbox(widths[2], 1, '') grid.setField(self.value, 2, row)
[docs] def update_value(self, stat: str, value: str ='') -> None: """Updates the content of the elements based on the provided value. Parameters ---------- stat : str A string showing the status of the element. value : str, optional An additional value to be shown after the status, by default ''. """ self.stat.setText(f'{stat:>4s}{self.unit}') self.value.setText(value)